26th Great Film Adventure 2020/2021

The Great Film Adventure, an artistic and educational project comprising a series of filmmaking workshops, has been organized by the Children’s Art Centre since 1994. Twenty-six editions attracted a total of over 3000 participants from primary, junior high, and high schools in Poznań. So far, we have made 140 short feature films and documentaries.
Films made by young people as part of the projects: 26th Great Film Adventure and Focus on Meeting – 23th Biennale of Art for Children.
The film was made by students of the Poznań Cryptologists School Complex in Luboń and the Bilingual High School in Luboń under the pedagogical supervision of Piotr Świdziński and the artistic supervision of Rafał Jerzak.
Participants: Illia Chornyi, Katarzyna Gajdzińska, Justyn Gronek, Olga Jóźwiak, Maksymilian Kruk, Krzysztof Krzyżański, Julia Piątek, Jan Rumiński, Bartosz Sołtyński, Adam Staniszewski.
The film was made by students of the Amici Association for Children and Families in Poznań and students of the High School Complex No. 4 in Poznań under the pedagogical supervision of Hanna Szeląg and Katarzyna Uljasz and the artistic supervision of Beata Dzianowicz and Jarosław Stypa.
Participants: Daniel Banach, Weronika Glanc, Julia Górecka, Zofia Kaniewska, Kamil Kaźmierczak, Magdalena Korzycka, Natalia Książek, Mikołaj Matuszak, Bartosz Melcer, Zuzanna Olbrych, Michał Radke, Jakub Rajman, Zuzanna Rajman, Oliwia Rozwarska, Vanessa Szmatuła, Marta Wacławik, Maja Wachowiak, Weronika Witecka, Wojciech Wysocki.
The film was made by students of Da Vinci High School in Poznań under the pedagogical supervision of Małgorzata Szadkowska, Magdalena Wójcik and Sylwia Pielin-Sołtys and the artistic supervision of Tomasz Dettloff.
Participants: Franciszek Bocek, Sewer Frąckowiak, Karolina Glaser-Schuhl, Michał Kopkiewicz, Kinga Nuckowska, Ksenia Nuckowska, Tymon Polak, Jan Pudełko, Maja Ratajczak, Kajetan Sempoch, Oliwia Szymańska, Antoni Śnioch, Julia Wybieralska, Ewa Wybieralska, Wojciech Wolny.
The film was produced by the film group “Fokus na spotkanie” consisting of: Dawid Banasiewicz, Tobiasz Brakoniecki, Blanka Kęstowicz, Weronika Mugaj under the artistic supervision of Grażyna Banaszkiewicz and Janusz Piwowarski.