Toru Superlis

Toru Superfox

from 7 y/o


What makes these strange sounds in the forest? Is it possible that the tummy of Bunio the wild boar, fed with a lot of crisps, has become so noisy? Or is it rather Głodomór – a creature with a mouth as dark as a cave, a tongue as sticky as mud and teeth as black as pitch? Only Toru Superfox can solve the riddle!

Neighbourhood – 3 Festivals: Chemnitz, Poznań, Zlín

Piotr Szczepanowicz

He studied Educational and Cultural Pedagogy at the University of Opole. Additionally, he holds a degree in Animated Film and Special Effects from the Cinematography Department of the Film School in Łódź. As a fifth-year student, he received a Grand Prix – the Golden Pegasus – for his film study Hidden at the Animator festival in Poznań.